Tuesday, July 19, 2011

SSH into an Amazon EC2 Instance

To start an EC2 instance and SSH (Secure Shell) to the instance we need to use an RSA key pair.

Configure the EC2 firewall

First we need to open a port on the EC2 firewall, for SSH communication, and limit access to the public IP address of our client computer.

To find the client's IP address enter

curl jsonip.com

Using a security group of trader, the defauly SSH port of 22, and a client IP address of, we'll open the port using the EC2 command line tool

ec2-authorize trader -p 22 -s <your public IP address>

Generate the Key Pair

You can create your own key pair and upload the public key to Amazon using ec2-import-keypair , or Amazon can generate the key pair for you using ec2-create-keypair.

A benefit of using your own keys is that you can use this same key across regions, with the Amazon generated key it's only valid for the region used when the key was generated.

When you create a new EC2 instance Amazon will append the public key to /home/<user>/.ssh/authorized_keys

We'll generate the keys using both methods.

First create a directory where we will store the private key

mkdir ~/.ec2

Amazon Key Pair generation

The following ec2-create-keypair command will create a new RSA key pair with the name ec2-keypair. Amazon will store the public key and the command will output the private key to the console.

ec2-create-keypair ec2-keypair

Outputs to your console the private key and associated details


Now we will copy the private key to ~/.ec2/ec2-keypair.pem

echo "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" > ~/.ec2/ec2-keypair.pem

User Key Pair generation

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Enter file in which to save the key ( /home/<user>/.ssh/id_rsa): /home/<user>/.ec2/ec2-keypair.pem

Skip the passphrase

Now copy the public key to Amazon

ec2-import-keypair ec2-keypair --public-key-file ~/.ec2/ec2-keypair.pub

Set private key permissions

Set the permissions so that you have read, write and execute permissions on the directory where the private key is kept.

chmod 700 ~/.ec2

Set the permissions so that you have read and write permissions on the private key

chmod 600 ~/.ec2/ec2-keypair.pem

Set environment variables

Export the name of the keypair, not the filename. So ec2-keypair, not ec2-keypair.pem

export EC2_KEYPAIR_NAME=~/.ec2/ec2-keypair

Create the EC2 instance

ec2-run-instances ami-xxxxx -g default -k $EC2_KEYPAIR_NAME -t m1.small;

SSH to the instance

We can now SSH to the instance by providing our private key (identity file)

ssh -i ~/.ec2/ec2-keypair.pem ubuntu@ec2-xxx-xx-xx-xx.compute-1.amazonaws.com

An alternative to providing the identity file each time is to add the identity file in your ~/.ssh/config file

Host ec2-*.amazonaws.com 
     IdentityFile ~/.ec2/ec2-keypair.pem

So now when you SSH to any Amazon EC2 server simply enter the following and the identity file is automatically provided.

ssh ubuntu@ec2-xxx-xx-xx-xx.compute-1.amazonaws.com

Prevent SSH timeouts

To stop the SSH connection from timing out see this previous post

Terminate the instance

You are billed while the instance is running so don't forget to terminate it

ec2-terminate-instances <instance_id>

The above was tested using:

- Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

- Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal


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